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Environmental reporting

If you run a biogas or biomethane plant, you need to bear in mind the annual environmental reporting obligations. We offer a comprehensive and timely service in this area.

Calendar of mandatory environmental reports:

  • by February 28th each year – report to The National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE) database
  • by March 15th each year – waste management report submitted to the Marshal’s Office via the WASTE DATABASE  system.
  • by March 31st of each year – calculation of fees for economic use of the environment to the Marshal’s Office.

If you need support in this area, feel free to contact us.

Below you can find useful information on environmental reporting:

Anyone carrying out activities that have an impact on the environment is required to report and pay an annual fee. The environmental fee must be paid if the activity causes:

– release of gases or dust into the air, e.g., from boiler houses, from technological processes, from the combustion of fuels in internal combustion engines,

– greenhouse gas emissions from the allocated allowances,

– waste disposal.

The environmental fee is set at the rates applicable during the period in which the environment is used. Appropriate lists must be filled in, together with an obligatory list containing a summary of information on the scope of use of the environment. The list must be submitted, and the fee must be paid to the account of the Marshal’s Office competent for the place of use of the environment by March 31st. The fee for using the environment is a tax liability, therefore if it is not paid by the due date, the office will enforceably collect the amount due.

When is it not necessary to pay?

If the calculated annual fee for one type of environmental use does not exceed PLN 800, one does not have to pay the fee. However, the annual list must be submitted. If the annual fee for one type of environmental use does not exceed PLN 100, the obligation to submit an inventory and information is waived.

KOBIZE – the National Balancing and Emissions Management Centre – is a centre within the structures of the Institute of Environmental Protection. The National Database ran by it is an IT system that allows the input and processing of information on:

– emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances released into the air by environmental users,

– production volumes and the characteristics of the raw materials and fuels involved in the emissions,

– technical measures to prevent or reduce emissions,

– the amounts of emissions reduced and avoided as a result of implementing certain projects by the operators using the environment and the deadlines for achieving these reductions,

– the planned commissioning dates for new ventures and the projected emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances into the air from these ventures,

– activities related to industry, transport, agriculture, forestry, and services,

– forecasts of changes in activity for individual economic sectors.

Every entrepreneur is obliged to submit a report for the previous year by the last day of February. In the case of submitting a report for the first time, it is necessary to register and create an account with the National Balancing and Emissions Management Centre (KOBiZE). KOBiZE reports should be prepared and submitted electronically by logging into the National Database system. The report should include, inter alia:

– emissions of gases, dust, and other substances into the air – these are determined based on production volumes and ongoing emissions and consumption of raw materials

– scale of production – including the characteristics of the reduction processes being implemented

– deadlines related to the planning of the launch of new projects and their issuance

– all activities related to the project

– activity change forecasts

WASTE DATABASE  – Every waste management company is obliged to submit an annual report on waste generated and waste management. This report is submitted electronically through the BDO – Database on Products and Packaging and Waste Management information system. Based on the records kept during the year, information should be provided on the waste management applied in the company.

When is the annual report due?

If you are:

– a waste producer who is obliged to keep waste records

– run a waste management company

– run a company extracting waste from a landfill

then you are required to submit an annual report electronically by March 15th for the previous year.

Interested in this service?
Contact us
536 996 339