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Technological concept for the construction of a biogas/biomethane plant

The first step in investing in a biogas or biomethane plant is to choose the right biogas production technology tailored to the planned raw materials, waste, and animal by-products. This stage of the investment is crucial for the whole project, as the technological assumptions made at this point will impact all the administrative decisions issued, the design, construction, and subsequent operation of the biogas or biomethane plant.

In our view, it is optimal that this stage is prepared jointly with an independent technology advisor who will select all the key technical and technological parameters for the biogas plant, taking into account the applicable legislation, and will reliably present the advantages and disadvantages of the biogas solutions available on the market.

Thus, a future biogas or biomethane plant project developed based on such a technological concept will enable the investor to build a biogas plant with a high degree of flexibility in the use of substrates for biogas production and will allow healthy competition to be maintained at the stage of selecting a General Contractor or technology supplier.

Our company can draft technological concepts for the construction of biogas and biomethane plants, which include, among other things:

  1. Analysis of the available results of physical and chemical tests of substrates in technological and formal-legal aspects as to suitability for biogas production and for the presence of compounds that may interfere with the methanogenesis process and future qualification of the type of biogas plant.
  2. Testing the methane potential (so-called biogas yield) of selected substrates in our biogas laboratory.
  3. Detailed technological and biotechnological calculations based on the indicated raw materials in several raw material variants.
  4. Mass and energy balance: feedstock consumption, biogas production, CHP electricity and heat production, digestate production, average dry weight of feedstock, average dry weight of digestate, nitrogen concentration per form, average methane concentration in biogas, substrate digestion level, etc.
  5. Estimating the average electricity and heat consumption for own consumption.
  6. Selecting appropriate process parameters enabling stable biogas production, e.g.: type of fermentation, number of fermentation stages, temperature, pH, volatile fatty acid level, dry matter in the fermenter, retention time (HRT), organic dry matter loading level of the reactors (OLR).
  7. Selecting the type and capacity of digestate storage tank(s) to secure the plant during the period when digestate cannot be utilised (winter period), indicating the area of land to be secured by the developer for agricultural management of digestate (R10 waste recovery process/utilisation as soil improver).
  8. Development of a process flow diagram,
  9. Development of a technology diagram,
  10. Development of a concept for the development of the project site on the plots indicated by the Investor.
  11. Selecting the size and technical solutions for the storage of solid and liquid substrates, including waste storage.
  12. Selecting a substrate dosing system for the fermentation process.
  13. Selecting digester equipment: type and number of agitators, heating system, type of tank roofing, instrumentation, and anti-corrosion protection of digester walls against the harmful effects of hydrogen sulphide.
  14. Selecting the optimum system for biogas treatment (dehumidification, desulphurisation, removal of siloxanes, ammonia) and disposal of biogas in emergency situations.
  15. Selecting the cogeneration unit and equipment for emergency combustion of the biogas surplus or selecting technology for biomethane production.
  16. Selecting other equipment in the process line: tanks, pumps, agitators, biogas compressors, digestate separators, etc.
  17. Preparation of a detailed description of the technology.


We have realised several technology concepts for the construction of biogas plants or biomethane plants for both agricultural and municipal biogas clients and are involved in the downstream stages of investment.

Our competitive advantage lies primarily in our practical knowledge of biogas technology (we have been supervising biogas plant technology since 2008) and our cross-sectional knowledge of the technologies available on the market. As a result, the biogas plant technology concept we develop always includes proven and reliable solutions.

If you would like to find out more about this or request a quote, please fill in the contact form or call us.

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