References Orle Sp. z o.o.Download
References – CET-EKODownload
References ENERBIODownload
References EKO-DOLINADownload
Agroelektrogaz audit optimization technological supervision Drzonowo 1.05 MWDownload
Best-Eko concept for modernization of OKF Rybnik 0.250 MWDownload
Biogas plant Skarżyn references technological supervision Skarżyn 1.6 MWDownload
Budmat biological start-up technological supervision Michalow Kolonia 0.999 MWDownload
Enea Wytwarzanie technological supervision Liszkowo 2 MWDownload
Fundacja Habitat documentation of NOD 0.5MW mobile biogas plantDownload
Poldanor SA (now Goodvalley Agro) confirmation of experience in managing 8 biogas plants with a capacity of 7.4 MWDownload
Green Genius – references 5 projects due dillgence_power from 1 to 2 MWDownload
References – biogazownia Leżajsk Sp z o.o.Download
Maximir references technology concept 1.6 MWDownload
OHZ Gajewo commissioning optimization audit technological supervision Tragamin 0.8 MWDownload
PGB S.A. technological supervision of 7 biogas plants total power 7_MWDownload
Ramboll Poland expertise model biogas plant PGB due diligence audits for PFR S.A.Download
References – Biogazownia Rypin Sp. z o.o.Download
References BioenergiaDownload
References ZUH WojciechowskiDownload
in the years 2010 – 2015 8 agricultural biogas plants with total electricity capacity. 7. 4 MW owned by Poldanor SA (currently Goodvalley Agro S. A. )
Biogas plant in the town of Michalow Kolonia, with an el. capacity of 0.999 MW, Budmat Sp. J. (from XI.2019 – present).
Biogas plant in the town of Liszkowo, power el. 2.1 MW, Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. (as of I.2018-present)
Biogas plant in the town of Michalow Kolonia, Budmat Sp. J.
Biogas plant in the town of Brzoza, Eko Energia Brzoza Sp.z o.o.
Biogas plant Darskowo, PGB Energetyka 1 Sp. z . o. o. (order: 01. 04-31. 05. 2020)
7 biogas plants belonging to the Polish Biogas Group (2015-2016)
Jarnołtowo biogas plant, Ekodamir Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Tragamin biogas plant, OHZ Gajewo Sp. z o.o.
biogas plant in Tragamin, power el. 0,800 MW, OHZ Gajewo Sp. z o. o.
Biogas plant in the city of Kutno, power el. 1,500 MW, Enerbio Sp. z o.o.
biogas plant in Skarżyn with a capacity of 1. 56 MW, Biogazownia Skarżyn Sp. z o. o.
A biogas plant in the town of Konopnica with a capacity of 2.1 MW, Bioenergy Project Sp. z o.o.
Biogas plant in the town of Tragamin, el. capacity 0.800 MW, OHZ Gajewo Sp. z o.o.
Biogas plant in the town of Drzonowo, power el. 1.05 MW, Agroelektrogaz Sp. z o.o.
OHZ Gajewo Sp. z o.o.
Biogas plant Skarżyn Sp. o. o.
Technological concept of an industrial biogas plant with electric power up to 2.00 MWe located in Lisowice, investor: BM Recykling Sp. z o.o.
Technological concept of an industrial biogas plant with electric power up to 2.00 MWe located in Tychy, investor: BM Recykling Sp. z o.o.
Technical and financial concept for the energetic use of biogas from open digesters (OKF) at the site of the company’s wastewater treatment plant owned by BEST-EKO Sp. z o.o., electric power: 0.250 MW.
Technological concept for an agricultural biogas plant with an electric power of 1.60 MWe located in Sitno on plot no. 221/2 in the municipality of Sośno, Sępólno county, investor: Maximir Sp. z o.o.
Technological concept for an agricultural biogas plant with an electrical capacity of 0.499 MWe located in Czerwony Bór, municipality: Zambrów, investor: Wastech Recycling Sp. z o.o.
Technological concept of an agricultural biogas plant with electric power of 0.999 MWe located in Mielęcin investor: Agricultural Producers Group Karex Sp. z o.o.
Technological concept of an agricultural biogas plant with an electric power of 0.499 MWe located in the village: Kęty, investor: Karex Jarosław Romańczuk
Bottom sludge biogas plant (NOD) with a total capacity of up to 0.5MW – conceptual model project for the Foundation Center for Research and Protection of the Human Environment “Habitat” based in Bydgoszcz (developed in consortium with BLC Biogas Sp. z o.o.).
Report on the environmental impact of the project for a biogas plant in the town of Laskowa, investor: Gobarto S.A.
Report on the environmental impact of the project for the biogas plant in the town of Nowy Świat, investor: Gobarto S.A.
Report on the impact of the project on the environment for the Trzciniec farm, investor: Gospodarstwo rolne M. Sliwinski (the investment includes the construction of a farm and a biogas plant)
KIP + EIA report Modernization of agricultural biogas plant in Stare Miasto, investor: OZE 11 Sp. z o.o.
KIP concerning the construction of an agricultural biogas plant with a capacity of 0. 999 MW Westpol-Teeuwissen Sp. z o. o.
KIP expansion of agricultural biogas plant in Rypin, investor: Biogazownia Rypin Sp. z o.o.
Technological concept of an agricultural biogas plant with electric power of 0.999 MWe located in Mielęcin investor: Jartom Sp. z o.o.
Participation in the development of the KIP of an agricultural biogas plant in Sitno, investor: Maximir Sp. z o.o.
Analysis and verification of the developed technological documentation for the construction of a 1 MW biogas plant for Westpol-Teeuwissen Sp. z o. o.
Report on the impact of the project on the environment for the biogas plant in Lisowo, investor: BM Recykling Sp. z o.o.
Technological concept for the construction of a biogas plant on the site of the company’s wastewater treatment plant owned by Jasta Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
Report on the environmental impact of the project for a biogas plant in the city of Tychy, investor: BM Recykling Sp. z o.o.
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu (Brody)
PGB Development Sp. z o.o. (Darskowo)
PGB Energetyka 6 Sp. z o.o. (Wicie)
EKO-ENERGIA Brzoza Sp. z o.o.
PGB Energetyka 2 Sp. z o.o. (Tończa)
PGB Energetyka 16 Sp. z o.o. (Krypno Wielkie)
PGB Energetyka 10 Sp. z o.o. (Wysoczka)
PGB Energetyka 7 Sp. z o.o. (Gorajec)
PGB Energetyka 15 Sp. z o.o. (Sierakowo)
PGB Energetyka 3 Sp. z o.o. (Krzywa)
PGB Energetyka 15 Sp. z o.o. (Przyborowice)
ZGO Gać Sp. z o.o.
PGB Energetyka 13 Sp. z o.o. (Stary Kornin)
Inter Agri Sp. z o.o. (Zawory)
MASTER-ODPADY i ENERGIA Sp. z o.o. (Tychy)
PGB Energetyka 4 Sp. z o.o. (Dzierżki)
PGB Energetyka 9 Sp. z o.o. (Zawady)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Pawłówko)
ENERBIO Sp. z o.o (Kutno)
PGB Energetyka 5 Sp. z o.o. (Karkoszów)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Płaszczyca)
BIOGAZ T. Z. Śmiechowscy Sp. z o.o. (Jaromierz)
PGB Energetyka 15 Sp. z o.o. (Gubin)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Koczała)
OHZ Gajewo Sp. z o.o. (Tragamin)
Mikrobiogazownia Rolnicza Bombalice
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Bara)
Bio-Energia Strzykocin Sp. z o.o. (Strzykocin)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Uniechówek)
Instytut Zarządzania i Samorządności (Łagiewniki)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Świelino)
Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe BUDMAT Sp. z o.o. (Michalów-Kolonia)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Nacław)
PGB Energetyka 6 Sp. z o.o. (Kupin)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Kujanki)
PGB Energetyka 6 Sp. z o.o. (Falknowo)
GALAAUTO Sp. z o.o. (Dzikowiec)
Goodvalley Agro S.A. (Giżyno)
Biogazownia Skarżyn Sp. z o.o. (Skarżyn)
PGB Energetyka 11 Sp. z o.o. (Młyny)
PGB Development Sp. z o.o. (Złocieniec)
OZE 11 Sp.z o.o. (Stare Miasto)
ZUH “Wojciechowski” Zdzisław Wojciechowski
Ekodamir Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Agroelektrogaz Sp. z o.o.
Orle Sp. z o.o.
EKO-ENERGIA Brzoza Sp. z o.o.
Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe BUDMAT Sp. z o.o.
ENERBIO Sp. z o.o.
CET-EKO Tomasz Cegiełka
References – biogas plant – ENERBIO Kutno
Gamawind Sp. z o.o.
Agro Żabice Sp. z o.o.
Łaźniki biogas plant, Group of Agricultural Producers “TERRA” sp. z o. o.
Stare Miasto biogas plant, ENERBIO ECO Sp. z o.o.
Dzikowiec biogas plant, BIOENERGIA Dzikowiec Sp. z o.o.
biogas plant Dzikowiec, GALAAUTO Sp. z o. o.
Brzoza biogas plant, EKO-ENERGIA Brzoza Sp. z o.o.
Łęguty biogas plant, MINEX KOGENERACJA Sp. z o.o.
Kutno biogas plant, ENERBIO Sp. z o.o.
Practical and legal analysis of the project concerning the construction of a biogas CHP plant with a capacity of 1. 2 MW in Przybysław gm. Świdwin for Carbo – Bio Sp. z o. o.
Due diligence audit for a 2 MW biogas plant project for UAB MODUS ENERGY SOLUTIONS / Green Genius Sp. z o.o.
Due diligence audit for a 1 MW biogas plant project for UAB MODUS ENERGY SOLUTIONS / Green Genius Sp. z o.o.
Expert opinion on the evaluation of technological solutions for a 0.999 MWe model biogas plant prepared by Polska Grupa Biogazowa S.A. for Ramboll Polska Sp. o.o. (subcontract) for preparing 19 due diligence audits of biogas projects held by PGB S.A., commissioned by Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A.
Application for recognition of the ferment as a by-product for BIOGAS EAST Sp. z o. o.
Application for recognition of digestate as a by-product for BIO-ENERGIA Strzykocin Sp. z o.o.
FBSerwis Dolny Śląsk Sp. z o.o.- referencesDownload
References EKO-DOLINADownload
References – ZZO Sierzno Sp. z o.o.Download
References PZO GliwiceDownload
References – FBSerwis KamieńskDownload
References – ELWOZ ECO Sp. z o.o.Download
EKO-DOLINA Sp. z o.o.- referencesDownload
References Firma Usługowo-Handlowa “KOP-EKO” Karol TrzupekDownload
References PGO in Suwałki Sp. z o.o.Download
References – ZWiK TczewDownload
References EkodolinaDownload
References PGO in PłockDownload
References ZGK Ostrów Mazowiecka – soil improverDownload
ZZO Poznań – referencesDownload
ZZO w Poznaniu Sp. z o.o. (Suchy Las)
PGO Sp. z o.o. (Suwałki)
ZWiK Sp. z o.o. (Tczew) + Permit amendment (extension of the decision in the scope of application)
“EKO-REGION” sp. z o.o. (Julków)
EKO DOLINA Sp. z o.o. (Łężyce)
FBSerwis Dolny Śląsk Sp. z o.o.
ZUOK Spytkowo Sp. z o.o.
MWiO Sp. z o.o. (Grudziądz)
ZZO Sierzno Sp. z o.o.
PZO Sp. z o.o. (Gliwice)
ZUOK Rudno Sp. z o.o.
CZG-12 (Długoszyn)
PK Sp z o.o. w Wieluniu
ZUOK Spytkowo Sp. z o.o.
Trade and Service Company KOP-EKO Karol Trzupek (Zalesiany)
PUK Sp. z o. o. (Hajnówka)
PGO w Płocku Sp. z o.o. (Kobierniki)
PGK Sp. z o.o. (Słupsk)
ZGK w Ostrowi Mazowieckiej Sp. z o.o.
ELWOZ ECO Sp. z o.o. (Chlewnica)
ZZO Nowy Dwór Sp. z o.o.
FBSerwis Kamieńsk Sp. z o.o.
ZZO w Poznaniu Sp. z o.o. (Suchy Las)
EKO DOLINA Sp. z o.o. (Łężyce)
ZGK w Szczebrzeszynie Sp. z o. o.
ZZO Sierzno Sp. z o.o.
ZUOK Spytkowo Sp. z o.o.
ZGO S.A. w Bielsku-Białej
MWiO Sp. z o.o. w Grudziądzu (Zakurzewo)
Zakład Utylizacyjny Sp. z o.o. (Gdańsk)
Przedsiębiorstwo Komunalne Sp. z o.o. (Wieluń)
BEST-EKO Sp. z o.o. (Rybnik) – aktualizacja HACCP
FBSerwis Kamieńsk Sp. z o.o.
ZUOK Rudno Sp. z o. o.
Environmental Support Company Skarżysko Kamienna Sp. z o. o.
PGO Sp. z o.o. (Suwałki)
ZUOS Sp. z o.o. w Tczewie
ELWOZ ECO Sp. z o.o. (Chlewnica)
PGO w Płocku Sp. z o.o. (Kobierniki)
FBSerwis Kamieńsk Sp. z o.o.
ZZO Nowy Dwór Sp. z o.o.
References BIOGAS EAST Sp. z o.o. – KIP and EIA reportDownload
References ENERBIO ECO Sp. z o.o. (OZE 11 Sp. z o.o.)Download
References Westpol- Teeuwissen Pharma Sp. z o.o.Download
References Biogazownia Szczedrzykowice Sp. z o.o. – R10Download
References – DORAL EI GAZEKO Sp. z o. o.Download
References Agen Sp. z o.o.Download
References – ZWiK WołczynDownload
Agroelektrogaz audit optimization technological supervision Drzonowo 1.05 MWDownload
Best-Eko concept for modernization of OKF Rybnik 0.250 MWDownload
Application for a permit to produce and process waste at the Darskowo biogas plant, PGB Development Sp. z o.o.
Modification of the permit for processing, waste collection and recovery in the R10 process for Skarżyn Biogas Plant Sp. z o.o.
Amendment of the waste processing permit for the biogas plant in Grochów Szlachecki, Biogas East Sp. z o.o..
Amendment of the waste processing permit for the biogas plant in Tragamin, Ośrodek Hodowli Zarodowej “Gajewo” sp. z o.o..
Amendment of the waste processing permit for the Łagiewniki biogas plant, Instytut Zarządzania i Samorządności sp. z o.o.
Waste generation applications for 3 biogas plants (Kożanówka, Przypisówka, Karsowo-Częstki) belonging to POLBIOGAZ 1 Sp. z o.o., POLBIOGAZ 2 Sp. z o.o. and POLBIOGAZ 3 Sp. z o.o.
Permit for waste processing by method R10 (compost) for PGK Sp. z o.o. in Słupsk
Permit for waste processing by R10 method (digestate) – Biogas plant Szczedrzykowice Sp. z o.o..
Application for a permit to process waste by method R10 (fermentation residues from the biogas plant in Grochów Szlachecki, operated by Biogas East Sp. z o.o.)
Application for waste production permit for Tragamin biogas plant, OHZ Gajewo Sp. z o.o.
Application for waste generation permit for Stare Miasto biogas plant, RES 11 Sp. z o.o – in progress
Application for a permit to produce and process waste at the Strzykocin biogas plant, BIO-ENERGIA Strzykocin Sp. z o.o.
Application for a permit to produce and process waste at the Złocieniec biogas plant, PGB Development Sp. z o.o.
Report on the environmental impact of the project for a biogas plant with an option to expand to a biomethane plant (non-agricultural installation) in the city of Tychy, investor: BM Recykling Sp. z o.o.
Report on the impact of the project on the environment for a biogas plant with an option to expand the construction of a biomethane plant (non-agricultural installation) in the city of Lisowo, investor: BM Recykling Sp. z o.o.
KIP + EIA report on the construction of an agricultural biogas plant with a capacity of 0.999 MW Westpol-Teeuwissen Sp. z o. o. (installation mainly for the management of animal by-products)
KIP + EIA report of an agricultural biogas plant with an electrical capacity of 0.999 MWe located in Mielęcin investor: Jartom Sp. z o.o.
KIP + EIA report of an agricultural biogas plant with an electrical capacity of 0.999 MWe located in Mielęcin, investor: Agricultural Producers Group Karex Sp. z o.o.
KIP Expansion of the biogas plant in Ruchocice – by expanding the system for receiving by-products and expired food waste with the option of transferring biomethane to an external facility for upgrading biogas to biomethane, investor: Agen Sp. z o.o.
KIP + EIA report “Construction of an installation for the production of agricultural biogas generating an equivalent amount of agricultural biogas used for purposes other than the production of electricity with a capacity of more than 0.5 MW, on plots of land with the registration number 153, 154 and 155 within Grochów Szlachecki”- biomethane plant investor: two entities BIOGAS EAST Sp. z o.o. ENERGOTECHNIKA Sp. z o.o.
KIP Adaptation of a planned biogas plant with a capacity of up to 1 MW for waste processing, investor BIORES Sp. z o.o.
KIP Construction of an agricultural biogas plant on plot no. 2/57, Borki precinct, Pisz municipality, investor DORAL EI P1
KIP Construction of an agricultural biogas plant on plot no. 4 precinct Wiechnowice, municipality of Rzeczyca, investor DORAL EI P3.
KIP + EIA report Adaptation of existing biogas plants to process waste by anaerobic recovery, investor: EKO-ENERGIA BRZOZA” Sp. z o.o. and EKO BRZOZA ROGOŻA I WSPÓLNICY Sp. j.
KIP Adaptation for waste processing of an existing biogas plant with a capacity of up to 2 MW on a plot of land in Kaplonosy with registration number 1405 within Wyryki, Włodawa county, Lublin voivodeship, investor: GAZEKO Sp. z o. o.
Report on the environmental impact of the project for the biogas plant in the town of Nowy Świat, investor: Gobarto S.A.
KIP Adaptation of an agricultural biogas plant in New Borza to process waste Biogas Plant 1 Sp. z o.o.
Report on the impact of the project on the environment for the Trzciniec farm, investor: Gospodarstwo rolne M. Śliwiński (the investment includes the construction of a farm and a biogas plant)
KIP + EIA report expansion of agricultural biogas plant in Rypin extension of sterilization and pasteurization systems to accept animal by-products, investor: Biogas Plant Rypin Sp. z o.o.
Participation in the development of the KIP of an agricultural biogas plant in Sitno, investor: Maximir Sp. z o.o.
Report on the environmental impact of the project for a biogas plant in the town of Laskowa, investor: Gobarto S.A.
Average annual costs of operating equipment in a 1 MW biogas plant with technology
Analysis of contracts with suppliers of technology and individual machines and equipment for 7 agricultural biogas plants
Participation in ongoing technological start-ups, coordination of biological start-up until the plants reach full capacity, participation in acceptance and commissioning of individual biogas plants
Average annual maintenance and operation costs of the GE Jenbacher type 320 D-series gas engine
Analysis of the feasibility of managing organic waste and animal by-products generated at Kooperol Sp. z o.o. production facility by methane fermentation.
Report on monitoring the amount of CO2 emission reductions achieved in 2017 -2019 by the Skarżyn biogas plant.
Procedures for the collection and management of digestion residues with the necessary tests