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Reporting on charges for water services

What are water services?

Water services are a type of water use. They consist in providing households, public entities, and business operators with the possibility to use water beyond the scope of common, ordinary, and special use of water.

Which water services are subject to a charge?

The following types of water services are subject to a water service charge:

1) groundwater or surface water intake,

2) the discharge of wastewater into water or land,

3) Discharge to water:

  • of rainwater or snowmelt collected in open or closed rainwater systems for the disposal of precipitation or in combined sewer systems within the administrative boundaries of cities,
  • of water from land drainage within the administrative boundaries of cities.

4) groundwater and surface water intake for breeding and rearing fish and other aquatic organisms,

5) the discharge into waters or the ground of sewage from the rearing or breeding of fish and other aquatic organisms.

When does the obligation to pay water service charges arise?

– after the end of each quarter

We will prepare for you:

Required Statement in the form of information including:

– a type of water service

– method of calculating the fee

As part of the above service, we also offer environmental audits consisting in checking the correctness of self-submitted charges and their verification as to their compliance with the regulations in force at the date of submission and the conditions set out in the water permits held. Integrated permits.

Interested in this service?
Contact us
536 996 339