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Gas emission notification and decisions

If your business requires usage of energy installations (e.g., cogeneration engines, boilers) which emit substances into the air, such emissions require an appropriate environmental permit or may be subject to a notification requirement.

An installation that is new or substantially changed is to be reported at least 30 days before it is due to commence operation.  An installation that is already in operation is to be reported by the operator within 6 months of the date on which it became notifiable.

Please remember to notify authorities about all installations in operation that require such notification.

The authority competent to accept the notification shall, within 30 days of receipt of the notification, inform the operator of the installation in writing that it has accepted the notification. As part of the decision issued, the environmental protection requirements for the operation of the installation, in particular the conditions and volumes of emissions, shall be laid down.

It is worth remembering to notify the authority to which you have notified about the installation that:

  • you resign from commencing of operation of the installation,
  • you intend to terminate the operation of the installation,
  • the data or information you provided in your application have changed.

Using the environment without obtaining the required permit results in sanctions, in particular the need to pay increased fees. Whereas fines are imposed for violations of permit stipulations.


  • an entity that operates an installation without the required permit or in breach of its conditions is subject to a penalty of arrest or restriction of liberty, or a fine (in the amount of PLN 20 to 5,000),
  • an entity that does not have the required permit to introduce gases or dust into the air shall pay fees increased by 500% for releasing pollutants into the air,
  • if an entity using the environment introduces substances or energy into the environment without the required permit or in breach of its conditions, the Provincial Inspector of Environmental Protection may suspend, by decision, the use of the installation,
  • A fine of up to PLN 500 (in some cases up to PLN 1,000) may be imposed by the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection for failure to notify.
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