+48 536 996 339
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+48 536 996 339
Environmental protection services
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Services for biogas plants
Operation of biogas plants
Notification fermentation product to WIORIN
analysis of an agricultural biogas plant under fermentation product
Environmental reporting
Permission to market digestate
Biotechnological supervision of biogas plants
Technological and environmental audits
Laboratory tests for biogas plants
Biogas plant performance optimisation
Planning and design of biogas plants
Analysing land for biogas and biomethane plants
Design of biogas and biomethane plants
Gas grid connection conditions
Conditions for connecting to the electricity grid
Functional and utility programme for biogas and biomethane plants
Development and land-use conditions, or WZZT
Environmental approvals for biogas plants (DŚ)
Technological concept for the construction of a biogas/biomethane plant
Technical due diligence audits for biogas and biomethane plants
Construction permit for biogas plant
Commissioning of the biogas plant
Veterinary approval
Gas emission notification
Integrated permit
Permission for waste collection
Permission for waste processing
Waste generation permit
Entry in the Register of Agricultural Biogas Producers
Training for biogas plant operators
Biological start-up of a biogas plant
Veterinary approval
Alternative processing parameters for biogas plants
Alternative treatment parameters for composting plants
Approval of means of transport
Veterinary approval of biogas plants
Veterinary approval of composting plants
Services for composting plants
Compost testing
Environmental approvals - composting
Integrated permit for composting plants
Marketing of compost
Veterinary approval of composting plants
Organic fertilizers and soil improvers
Permit to market the digestate
Marketing of compost
market of stabilised sewage sludge
Environmental protection services
Environmental approvals (DŚ)
Nature inventory
Recovery permits for the R10 process
Water permits including a water supply report
Permission for waste processing
Waste generation permit
Permission for waste collection
Integrated Permit
Initial risk analysis reports
Reporting on charges for water services
Environmental reporting
Support in controlling from the Regional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (WIOŚ)
Gas emission notification and decisions
Biogas laboratory
Laboratory tests for biogas plants
Digestate testing
Fermentation product testing
Digestion mass testing
Digestion mass testing for the R10 recovery process
Fertiliser tests on digestate
Veterinary testing of digestate and compost
Microbiological testing of digestate
Residual gas potential testing
Testing of substrates
Basic tests on substrates
Methane potential of substrates
Digestion mass
Macro and micronutrient testing
Methane fermentation process parameters
Biogas composition
Soil testing
Environmental protection services
Kliknij i sprawdź dodatkowe usługi
Environmental approvals (DŚ)
Nature inventory
Recovery permits for the R10 process
Water permits including a water supply report
Permission for waste processing
Waste generation permit
Permission for waste collection
Integrated Permit
Initial risk analysis reports
Reporting on charges for water services
Environmental reporting
Support in controlling from the Regional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (WIOŚ)
Gas emission notification and decisions
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