
The test may concern a single substrate or a mixture to be fed into the digester. The effect of mixing substrates can be an increase or decrease in biogas yield relative to the biogas yield for single substrates, resulting from a change in the C/N ratio, a change in macro- and micronutrient content and the reaction of substrates with each other.

Substrate methane potential (BMP – biochemical methane potential) is an advanced test that allows the precise determination of the amount and kinetics of methane production from a given substrate or a mixture of several substrates. Based on this test, in addition to determining the energy value of a given substrate, it is possible to determine its fermentation rate over time and the optimum retention time (HRT) required for its complete attenuation. Moreover, the BMP test makes it possible to select the optimum methane fermentation conditions for a single or a set of feedstocks.

In what situations do we recommend performing substrate methane potential tests?

  • prior to the design and construction of a biogas plant in order to select appropriate technological solutions and digester size.
  • for new substrates, the parameters of which the client does not know and needs precise information on their energy potential and ‘behaviour’ during fermentation.
  • for organic waste which may potentially contain contaminants in the form of chemicals (detergents, disinfectants, and others). In addition to accurately determining the energy value of a given raw material, such testing will also provide information on whether it contains substances that inhibit the methane fermentation process.

for analyses of the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) of a given substrate.

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