
How to properly prepare a technological concept for a biogas plant?

The development of a detailed technological concept for the biogas plant is the first, key stage of investment implementation, which will affect the feasibility and profitability of the project. This is due to the fact that the adopted parameters of the installation will be of strategic importance for the project and will be transferred to the administrative decisions on the basis of which the biogas or biomethane plant will be built.

What is a technological concept necessary for?

Although the conceptual technological design is not mandatory, it is the foundation for the implementation of the investment. Therefore, it is worth giving it careful thought and working it out well, as it is a signpost for the entire project, defining, among other things

  • Biogas production technology: choosing the optimal solution depending on the type of substrates, the size of the installation and the planned use of biogas.
  • Investment needs: allows an estimation of the construction (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX) of the biogas plant and provides input for business plans or feasibility studies.
  • Environmental aspects: allows the environmental impact of the investment to be assessed and the necessary conservation measures to be identified. In addition, for projects for which an environmental decision is required, a well-developed technological concept forms the basis for the KIP and the EIA report.
  • Legal requirements: indicates which permits and approvals are necessary for the implementation of the investment, both at the investment and operational stages.

What should a complete technological concept for a biogas plant contain?

  • Analysis of substrate parameters in terms of technological and formal-legal aspects with regard to suitability for biogas production and the presence of compounds that may interfere with methanogenesis and the future qualification of the biogas plant type.
  • Detailed process calculations on the basis of the substrates to be used in order to select the optimum feedstock option in economic and technological terms.
  • Mass and energy balance for the project including, inter alia, raw material consumption, biogas or biomethane production, electricity and heat production, digestate production, average dry mass of feedstock, average dry mass of digestate, nitrogen concentration in individual forms, average methane concentration in biogas, substrate digestion level.
  • Estimation of average media consumption on the basis of selected technological solutions.
  • Selection of size and technical solutions for the storage of solid and liquid substrates with particular emphasis on the storage of waste for processing.
  • Selection of pretreatment systems (grinding / pasteurisation / pressure sterilisation ) and substrate dosing for the fermentation process.
  • Selection of type and size of digester (s) and relevant process parameters such as: type of fermentation, number of fermentation stages, temperature, pH, dry matter in the digesters, retention time (HRT), organic dry matter loading level of the reactors (OLR) enabling stable biogas production.
  • Selection of type and capacity of digestate storage tank(s) to protect the plant during the period when digestate cannot be utilised (winter period). Indication of the area of land to be secured by the Investor for agricultural management of the digestate.
  • Selection of process tank equipment: type and number of agitators, heating system, type of tank roofing, instrumentation, anti-corrosion protection of digester walls, etc.
  • Selection of an optimum biogas treatment system (dehydration, desulphurisation, removal of siloxanes, ammonia) and biogas utilisation in emergency situations.
  • Selection of a cogeneration unit or technology for biomethane production.

The above data should be coherently compiled in the form of calculations, description and a graphical part including: a diagram of the technological process and a site development plan with a calculated land balance, which is necessary to prepare applications for environmental decisions or development conditions.

With whom is it worth preparing the technological concept?

It is in the investor’s interest that this stage of the investment is prepared jointly with an with an independent technical advisor with relevant experience. As BIO-INDUSTRY, we have completed a number of technological concepts for the construction of biogas or biomethane plants for both agricultural and municipal biogas clients.

By choosing such a model of cooperation, the investor gains the certainty that the parameters of the installation have been selected correctly, taking into account the applicable legal regulations and the investor’s comments. In addition, thanks to a reliable presentation of the advantages and disadvantages of technological solutions available on the market, the client can consciously choose the right solutions for himself and maintain healthy competition at the stage of selecting the General Contractor or technology supplier.

Author: Paweł Karwat

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