MesoSorb CTC50

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MesoSorb CTC50 is a 4 mm extruded, steam-activated filter carbon based on coconut shells.

MesoSorb CTC50 activated carbon offers the following advantages
• High mechanical stability
• Low pressure drop
• High adsorption capacity for siloxanes
• Strong protection against abrasion and quartz formation in combustion engines and valves

Due to its pore structure, it is suitable for conditioning and cleaning gases and exhaust air.

Bulk Density 490 ± 30 g / l
Humidity max. 10% (at packing)
CTC-activation min 50%
Typical Properties
Pellet Diameter Tolerance max ± 0,2 mm
Ball Pan Hardness min. 98%
Ash Content approx. 10%